martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Stay Strong

Hace unos dias termine el poema que mencione en el post anterior. No creo que escriba mucho este año ni en los siguientes pero parece que sí encontre motivación para escribir ambos poemas. Este va dedicado a las personas que se sienten ''débiles'' en algún momento. Aquellas que sienten que alguien les quiere imponer cómo ser. Recuerden que nadie es perfecto. Las imperfecciones nos hacen mas reales.


Don't pretend you are happy
when tears fall from your face
when you feel so insecure
when you are hiding all this pain

thinking you are not good enough
feeling like someone's second choice
everyday feeling somehow lost
it's something you don't wanna explain

why do you think no one cares?
I read you. I feel you. I care.

It's so easy to give up
and so hard to stay strong
but this time you are not alone
just keep holding on

Learn how to be brave
just be yourself
defeat the odds
stay strong, you'll be ok

Sometimes is easier to run
but you are better than this
in so... so many ways
you just need to realize it

Don't allow people to turn you
into a person you are not
remember nobody's perfect
and what's inside you matters more

why do you think no one cares?
I read you. I feel you. I care.

Don't be afraid
I know you have the strenght
to fight your demons
to make a change

Learn how to be brave
just be yourself
defeat the odds
stay strong, you'll be ok

Stay strong, keep holding on.
Remember I read you. I feel you. I care.